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GCC Publicity Request Instructions (Note: This information is for ministry coordinators who are requesting publicity for an event or activity at Grace Community Chapel.) Please review the details below prior to submitting your Publicity Request form. Contact Patty Mund (pmund@gcchapel.org ) if you have any questions. Ministry Staff Approval All activities and events being held on-site require submission and ministry staff approval of a Calendar Request form . All off-site activities and events being promoted at Grace require ministry staff approval as well, and a Calendar Request form is required. Please complete the Calendar Request form for off-site event approval before proceeding with a Publicity Request. If you have not submitted a ‘Calendar Request’ form and/or had a ministry staff member approve your event or activity, please do so before submitting a ‘Publicity Request’ form. CALENDAR REQUEST FORM Do you need to use a Publicity Request form? (The answer is almost always 'yes'.) The first step in requesting publicity, regardless of what type of publicity you need, is to complete and submit the form, following the guidelines on this page. (Even if your only request is for a bulletin announcement, or if you’re not sure what kind of publicity resources are available to you, a publicity request is needed.) Almost every event and program at Grace is promoted on our app or website, through our email marketing system, and on social media. Your event or ministry program may be receiving more publicity than you realize, and the completed form will help ensure your publicity needs are covered. Of course there are exceptions, so if in doubt, please contact Patty . PUBLICITY REQUEST FORM Publicity Guidelines Promotional materials and resources are provided to support the ministries of GCC and require the approval of the ministry staff. Available resources may include print materials, bulletin announcement, email campaign, website, social media, and online registration. Requests for publicity should be submitted a minimum of three weeks prior to the date publicity is to begin. Choose one person from your ministry area to communicate the promotional needs for your event/activity. Ensure all details are accurate before submitting your request. Changes cannot be made after materials are printed. An online registration form should not be altered once registration has begun. Ministry staff will ensure that all materials meet required standards, including aesthetic quality and appropriate content. Remember The ‘Publicity Request’ process is separate from the ‘Calendar Request’ process. Please be sure to submit a ‘Calendar Request Form ' . All Publicity Requests are submitted to Patty Mund, then she will coordinate with others as needed. The event/activity should have only one person assigned to coordinate the publicity needs with Patty. All requests should be made three weeks prior to when the publicity is needed (not three weeks prior to the event date).
Our Missionaries Our Missionaries Please note that due to safety and security concerns some individuals and organizations we support cannot be listed. For questions, please contact office@gcchapel.org Anna & Elliott Unreached People Steve & Nancy Huerd College Campus Ministry Paul & Angie Kimball Missionary Aviation Training Mark & Jodi Revell International Field Worker Trainers Leroy & Debbie Zumack Field Workers (France) Jabe & Elena Barker Philippine Schools Doug & Emilee Irwin Church Planters (France) Bruce & Irene McAtee Refugee Outreach (Greece) Emily Rezek Student Outreach (France) Undisclosed Missionaries Various Missions (Worldwide) Ron & Mary Bennett College Campus Ministry Jon & Tammy Junker Church Planters (Japan) Eric & Rachel McEachron Unreached People Reaching Ayutthaya Serving in Missions (Ayutthaya Team) Scott & Jayne Cuidon Global Missionary Counseling Solomon & Ruby Kendagor International Broadcast/Discipling Kyle McEachron International School Teacher Lee Whitworth Mormon Outreach Missions Newsletter Do you have a heart for missions? If you are a member or regular attender of Grace Community Chapel, you can receive regular reports from missionaries we support SIGNUP FOR THE MISSIONS REPORT
Change For Change "Change for Change" is a monthly program designed to provide assistance to our missionaries during critical times and to fund projects aimed at enhancing the worldwide spread of the gospel. January Change for Change Helping Refugees in the Middle East Kelly* is our healthcare worker in the Middle East. She and her staff run a health clinic for refugees, which they use as a conduit to the Gospel. Kelly serves in an area where refugees are seen as outcasts and don’t have access to adequate resources. Many of them live in tents on farmers’ land and are at the mercy of the farmers as to how long they can stay. Recent bombings in the area have led to massive shortages of food and basic supplies. In addition to healthcare services, the clinic provides many other services to the refugee population, such as a construction course for boys and a nursing course for girls, where they can learn valuable skills to support themselves in the future. They also meet many practical, physical needs of the refugees. The January Change for Change offering will go to Kelly and her clinic so they can continue to provide services to the refugees at a time where there is much uncertainty in the area. *This is a pseudonym If you'd like to give, you can donate online by using the link below. You can make a Difference. We invite you to partner with us in standing by our missionaries and demonstrating our unwavering support through this donation opportunity. DONATE NOW! 2024 CHANGE for CHANGE Through your generous missions giving, we accomplished so much this year! We helped fund a camp for orphans and widows in Ukraine, provided a new washer for the Barkers, supported ministry-related travel expenses for many of our missionaries and trusted partners, and blessed each of our missionaries with an end-of-year bonus. These are just a few ways GCC has been a part of God's global work in 2024. Thank you for your prayers and support. We look forward with excitement to all He will do in 2025! HIGHLIGHTS: January February March April May June July August September October November $3,291 $4,670 $5,145 $3,906 $4,229 $4,274 $5,489 $5,298 $13,315 $3,193 $3,193 Al Hayat Ministry to Muslims Training pastors in Zambia Undisclosed missionary with moving expenses Solar panels for Bible translators in Brazil Irwins evangelistic art gallery during Paris Olympics Revells moving back to Hungary Righteous Rides Central Asia Training Center Christmas in September Zumack's retirement 2025 short term trips Total: over $51,000 Thank You For Your Generosity These endeavors vividly illustrate GCC's active involvement in God's global mission this year. Your prayers and support have been invaluable, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing the wonders He will unfold in 2024!
- Bennett | GCC
Ron and Mary Bennett Serving with The Navigators Phone: 719-598-1212 Website: navigators.org Address: The Navigators 3820N 30th Colorado Springs, CO 80934 Birthday: Ron: September 23 Mary: March 7 Mission Focus The Navigator Calling is to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost. Navigator motto: Know Christ and make Him known Our personal mission statement is to develop and coach disciples who make disciples. Our greatest blessing is to see generations of disciples living as ambassadors in their world. The challenge is finding and developing disciples who are willing and able to pass on their lives to a new generation. Ron mentors and shepherds a network of disciplemakers and disciplemaking leaders across the country. Many of the men lead disciplemaking ministries of their own. He also speaks at men’s retreats. Testimony Ron's Testimony I came to faith in Christ through the influence of my church and parents. I was discipled and mentored while studying at Iowa State University in the 1960s. I learned how to walk with Christ and share Him with others. I became infected with the vision of the Great Commission carried out by ordinary people in the marketplace. In 1970, I was invited to join Navigators and develop disciple-making ministries among university students. That was the beginning of over 50 years with Navigators in various leadership roles focused on our calling. Mary's Testimony I was raised in a solid Christian church and home. But in high school, I finally understood the gospel and put my faith in Christ. As a student at Western Michigan University, I became involved with Navigators and was mentored to follow Christ wholeheartedly. I also caught the vision of making disciples who would make disciples. After marriage, I continued to disciple women alongside Ron and his ministry. Previous Jabe & Elena Barker Philippine Schools Next Scott & Jayne Cuidon Global Missionary Counseling
Personal Discipleship Where to Begin The process involved in achieving spiritual growth as a Christian can perhaps be accurately described through a simple phrase that is joined with the idea of Me Becoming More Like Jesus . Advancing spiritually in the direction of becoming more conformed to the image of Jesus involves an act of God’s grace that is aimed at our transformation in alignment with His purposes. However, this act of grace is also intended to function in coordination with our will and determined efforts as we engage in a life of surrender and consistent practices that are designed to further the cause of Christ in our lives. These practices are commonly referred to as spiritual disciplines . It may be helpful to consider spiritual disciplines in the context of athletes preparing for the Olympics. These individuals engage in consistent and determined training for many years so that they can be prepared to compete and win in their chosen events. If they fail to prepare properly, it is very likely that they will perform below the level of their hopes and expectations. As Christians, if our win involves increasing conformity to the image of Jesus, there are clearly things we must earnestly practice to achieve that goal. Common Spiritual Disciplines There are very exhaustive lists of spiritual disciplines that have been developed over time. While most of these lists have merit, they can also feel a bit overwhelming to many people as they try to imagine engaging in the breadth of these activities. So, for the purpose of challenging those within our church family to consider a more narrowly focused approach to the practice of spiritual disciplines, we have provided a prioritized list of the disciplines that are most commonly practiced. Click below to learn more! Bible Reading Bible Study Prayer Bible Memorization Fellowship Service Fasting Solitude and Silence Spiritual Gifts Assessment One thing every Christian has in common is that we have all been given at least one spiritual gift for the purpose of serving and bringing glory to God. Use the link below to discover your gifts and to better understand how to use them in ministry. DISCOVER YOUR GIFTS The following are resources to encourage and equip you in your pursuit of spiritual growth. Need a Bible? Stop by Grace Central on Sundays, or contact the church office . New Testament Reading Plan Read the entire New Testament in 365 days. Beginners Bible Reading Daily readings from various sections of the Bible Old & New Testament Bible Reading Daily readings include passages from Old and New Testaments Book By Book Bible Reading Takes you through the entire Bible in one year Bible Reading Plans Free access to 20,000 Bible Study Videos FREE MEMBERSHIP
Awana Student Resources To help your child progress through their handbooks, download files such as theme songs, Bible biographies, and memory verses pertaining to their specific handbook. There are separate downloads for: ESV (English Standard Version), KJV (King James Version) NIV84 (New International Version 1984 Edition), NKJV (New King James Version) Technical Information: Click below to download a zip file with the following resources: PDF files: can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (Download For Free ). HTML files: can be opened in any standard web-browser. Audio files: (MP3 or WAV formats) can be opened in most media players (such as iTunes, Windows Media Player or VLC). Video files: (MP4, WMV, MPEG or MOV formats) can be opened in most media players (such as Quicktime (Mac OSX), Windows Media Player (Windows) or VLC. Cubbies Cubbies: NOTE: Cubbies memorize and recite as a group therefore we only use ESV. AppleSeed Resource Bundle (ESV) Sparks Sparks: HangGlider Handbook HangGlider Handbook Audio ESV HangGlider Handbook Audio KJV HangGlider Handbook Audio NIV84 HangGlider Handbook Audio NKJV SkyStormer Handbook SkyStormer Handbook Audio ESV SkyStormer Handbook Audio KJV SkyStormer Handbook Audio NIV84 SkyStormer Handbook Audio NKJV WingRunner Handbook WingRunner Handbook Audio ESV WingRunner Handbook Audio KJV WingRunner Handbook Audio NIV84 WingRunner Handbook Audio NKJV tnt Truth and Training: Agents of Grace Agents of Grace Handbook Audio ESV Agents of Grace Handbook Audio KJV Agents of Grace Handbook Audio NIV84 Agents of Grace Handbook Audio NKJV Discovery of Grace Discovery of Grace Handbook Audio ESV Discovery of Grace Handbook Audio KJV Discovery of Grace Handbook Audio NIV84 Discovery of Grace Handbook Audio NKJV Evidence of Grace Evidence of Grace Handbook Audio ESV Evidence of Grace Handbook Audio KJV Evidence of Grace Handbook Audio NIV84 Evidence of Grace Handbook Audio NKJV Grace in Action Grace in Action Handbook Audio ESV Grace in Action Handbook Audio KJV Grace in Action Handbook Audio NIV84 Grace in Action Handbook Audio NKJV Trek Trek Pacing Schedule: His Love Year 1 Trek Bible Summaries: Year 1 Journey Journey Pacing Schedule 7 Bible Summaries 2024-2025 Bible-Summaries-ESV 39 Books Bible-Summaries-KJV 39 Books Bible-Summaries-NKJV 39 Books Bible-Summaries-NIV 39 Books
- Zumack | GCC
Leroy and Deborah Zumack Greater Europe Mission (France) Phone: +1 800 436 4488 Website: info@gemission.com gemission.org Address: Greater Europe Mission PO Box 5224 Wheaton, Illinois 60189 Birthday: Leroy: January 27 Debbie: November 10 Mission Focus Our mission focus is a prison in St Omer. There I distribute Bibles in different languages, explain the Gospel in French and English, counsel pray and hold a monthly service. We also do follow-up of those that leave prison. We try to go to England or the Netherlands yearly to see ex-prisoners. My desire is to see the men become disciples not only converts. In our local church, I preach, and we lead a house group. Testimony Leroy's Testimony I heard the Gospel growing up in a Lutheran school and church. When I was 18, my parents divorced and this left me asking God, "Where are you?". I met Jesus in September, 1972, in a coffeehouse. My life was turned upside down. I sought to grow in my Christian life. I got involved with CRU. I witnessed to friends and as I neared graduation, I sought to be a missionary pilot. I did not have the skills to be a missionary mechanic so I instead went to Moody for a year and then seminary. I served at Hope Church from 1982-1985. We came to France and started in church planting. Since moving to Lille in 2004, I started prison work. Debbie's Testimony During my teenage years, I began wanting to know more about God. Our family attended church fairly regularly but faith was not explained as a personal relationship with Christ. So when I went off to university, one of the first things I did was buy myself a Bible. Then I became good friends and roommates with a young woman who was a new believer herself. As she explained her testimony to me, I realized that just believing God existed was not enough. I remember feeling like I was standing outside a room I had thought I was in, and what I wanted to do was open the door to that room and really enter in. A few years later as I sought further ways to serve the Lord, I met Leroy and together the Lord directed us to missions in France! Previous Lee Whitworth Biblical Ministries Worldwide Next Undisclosed Missionaries Various Missions Worldwide
- Revell | GCC
Mark and Jodi Revell EFCA ReachGlobal Phone: 800-343-3144 Website: reachglobal@efca.org Address: EFCA ReachGlobal 901 E 78 Street Minneapolis, MN 55420 Birthday: Mark: August 2 Jodi: February 15 Mission Focus Following more than 11 years of living in Budapest and devoting ourselves there to the ReachGlobal focus of "investing in disciple-makers to establish the church where the gospel isn't known,” God called Mark and Jodi to new responsibilities in 2021. Mark serves as Director of Training and Development for the mission, with responsibility for the pre-field training process for all new workers, and developing growth opportunities for existing staff. Also in 2021, Jodi began a new role as Family Ministries Coordinator on the Member Care team, providing help and resources to help families in all stages of life experience well-being as they minister globally. Together their heart is to invest in gospel workers in order that they would flourish and live fruitful lives in the places where God planted them. They’re blessed and challenged by the opportunity to invest in so many gospel workers in so many places. CLICK HERE to sign up for the Revells' email list. Testimony Mark's Testimony By God’s grace, I was born into a home where God was honored, Jesus was known, and the Bible was taught, and at an early age, I committed my life to Christ. However, it wasn’t until I was a college student that I really began to understand what it meant to follow Christ by desiring to offer myself wholly and obediently to Him for whatever purposes He intended, those “good things that He prepared in advance for me to do.” (Ephesians 2:10). Recently I’ve grown in my understanding of what I would call the “lordship” dimension of the gospel (Romans 10:9). My desire is that my life be an outward expression of the rule and the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that in me, in my marriage, my family, and my church community, people see a signpost that points to the Kingdom of God. Jodi's Testimony I grew up in a Christian home and I’m thankful for the church I grew up in, where I learned the basics of Christianity and the Bible. When I was about six I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at AWANA clubs. But it wasn’t until I went to college and started to attend a church that really challenged me in my own personal faith that I really started to grow spiritually and to really understand that being a Christian was more than just going to church, but a living faith. My walk with the Lord has not been perfect, but for nearly 43 years I have followed Him. He has never let me down, never forsaken me and always shown me a kind of love and grace of which I am not deserving. I continue to trust Him daily and strive to follow Him with my whole heart. Previous Kyle McEachron International School Teacher Next Emily Rezek Student Outreach (France)
Prayer Why do we pray? In Galatians, we are called to "bear one another's burdens," and one of the ways we can practically do this is through prayer. We want to partner with you as you seek the Lord's will in whatever circumstance. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. - Galatians 6:2 NEED PRAYER? REQUEST IT HERE Lift others up in prayer. Join the prayer chain. One way we can encourage each other is to pray specifically for each other's needs. If you are a member or regular attender at GCC we invite you to join our prayer chain. JOIN THE PRAYER CHAIN Join Our Prayer Team Are you seeking a supportive community to lift up the ministries and staff of Grace Community Chapel in prayer? Join us for an informal time of conversational prayer where we come together to support our church family. When: Sundays: 8:30 AM | 9:50 AM | 11:15 AM Where: Conference Room in the Main Office Whether you have a specific prayer request or simply want to participate in praying for others, everyone is welcome. If you have something you would like us to pray for, please use the link below to submit your request NEED PRAYER? REQUEST IT HERE Come be a part of this heartfelt time of connection and support through prayer. We look forward to praying with you!
Sundays @ 9:50 am September 8, 2024-June 8, 2025 Our Sunday Adult Discipleship Classes* will feature a unique approach throughout the coming ministry year (September 8, 2024 through June 8, 2025). Over this time period, you will study the books of Genesis, John, and Romans, but not necessarily in that order. 3 12 WEEK STUDIES GENESIS Dan Manternach and Randy Barton JOHN Dan Cheek and Bill Jones ROMANS Ric Kinne and Rod Toro Registration for 'Genesis/John/Romans' is closed. Please consider attending one of the classes listed below. *The Gospel Project, Koinonia, Sojourners, Bereans, Growing Families, and Beacons of Light classes, which do not require registration for participation, will continue as usual. Scroll for details. Ongoing Opportunities 8:30 am Growing Families 1 (mostly young adults) Style: Study/Discussion Leader: Tim and Margie Brown Location: Room 110 9:50 am Bereans (all adults) Style: Group Discussion Leader: Charley Saff Location: Library Growing Families 2 (mostly young adults) Style: Study/Discussion Leaders: Darren and Leslie Moe Location: Room 110 Koinonia (all adults) Style: Lecture/Discussion Leader: George Velius Location: Hope Hall Sojourners (all adults) Style: Lecture/Discussion Leader: John Krug Location: Room 102 11:15 am Beacons of Light (single adults 45 and older) Style: Teaching/Discussion Leader: Pat Turner Location: Hope Hall Prayer Group Meet for an informal time of conversational prayer for the ministries and staff of Grace Community Chapel. Time: 8:30, 9:50 and 11:15 am Locations: Conference Room in the Main Office (CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request.) Prayer Group