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Raymond & LeAnn Cook

Bible Translation





PO Box 1331

Wheaton, IL 60187


Raymond: January 24
LeAnn: January 27

Mission Focus

Our focus will be to translate the Bible into the largest unreached unengaged language group in Southeast Asia. They are over 99% Muslim and have no church, no Bible, and we know of only one Christian. Our hope, while translating, is to see the very first church planted among the people and to see many denounce Islam and turn to Christ alone for salvation. We anticipate very rocky and hard soil possibly resulting in rejection of Christianity at some level. However, we believe Revelation 7:9-10 will come to pass and that this particular people group will be represented around the throne of God. We believe and hope that a great number of these people will stand shoulder to shoulder with us and, each in our own language, worship Jesus together saying the same thing: "Salvation belongs to our God who sites on the throne, and to the Lamb!"


Raymond's Testimony:
I came to faith at eleven years old at Christian summer camp. I had attended Catholic school until this time as my mother was Catholic. I also attended a Pentecostal church on Sundays as my father was Pentecostal. I remember learning a lot about Jesus and the Bible especially from church and Bible study on Sunday at the Pentecostal church and it all finally made sense when I went to summer camp. I understood a very simple gospel--that I was a sinner and separated from God because of my sin, Jesus was sent to die on my behalf paying the penalty I was due for my sins, he rose from the dead, and I needed to place all my hope and faith in him to be made right with God. I repented and was baptized that summer. Later, as an adult, I felt the call toward full-time cross-cultural missions.

LeAnn's Testimony:

I grew up Catholic but it never took root. After my youngest sister took her first communion, my parents decided we didn’t need to go church any more. Later, in high school, I was invited to a Bible study. The leader shared the gospel with me and the Lord used that to show me my sins. I went on to St. Charles Community College where I was active in CRU leading lessons and groups to do outreach in Florida. During this time I was mentored by the lady that shared the gospel with me. She was a leader in CRU and recommended I pursue ministry. I was excited to learn more about the Lord, share it with others, and do it as a full-time job. I went to St. Louis Christian College to learn more about God’s Word which grew my love for missions and reaching Muslims. 

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